Candombe: Afro-Uruguayan Musical Expresion.
Canfusion, the title of this album, is a composed word with double meaning: Candombe-Fusion. It reflects the purpose of this project, which is to fuse Candombe with other musical genres. We hope you will like this project which we offer you with respect and dedication. Enjoy it!
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Enter El Calefón, the latest in the Brazilian (and Argentinean) musical wave. Led by guitarist and singer Coqui Reca, El Calefón has been making music since 1983, mixing indigenous percussive styles all the way.
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In "Coqui Reca's" music you can hear everything within the range of the various cultures involved and their different means of expression - South American folk music, Salsa, Samba, Rumba, Reggae, Funk, pure jazz, to name but a few.
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